befThe Moroccoore Islam

The arrival of Islam in the seventh century is a founder and key moment in the formation of the Moroccan nation. But before the Muslim troops reach the borders of Morocco, it already had an identity, a history and a geographical and cultural specificity. Back to the roots of an old country and an ancient nation.

Many Moroccan historians like report, with some relish, the story that took place in the court of the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad. A courtier, believing flatter the Caliph said to him that the world is like a giant bird, whose head is in the East, the two wings unfold in Yemen and Syria, the heart is in Iraq, while the tail is at its west, the Maghreb. A Moroccan present at the court of the caliph intervened to confirm what the courtier, saying: "Yes, the world actually looks like a peacock", alluding to the tickling and beautiful array of feathers as the peacock's tail, the party noblest of this bird. The caliph smiled at the remark of his Moroccan host and was rewarded for his witty and national pride. As this anecdote, Moroccans have always been pegged to the body conviction of belonging to a distinct geographical entity and a specific culture and history. Their country is not exclusively Berber, Arab, Muslim, Jewish or African, but it's everything at once. Mixing, synthesis.

 The Morocco now
Morocco is a country of rich diversity because you can find villages where the way of life of the people has not changed much compared to the past but also modern cities with great shopping, luxury hotels, major corporations, shopping malls that attract more and more tourists.

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